Saturday, August 3, 2013

Quiet Saturday Night.

Where o' where has 2013 gone? As I sit here watching Sex and The City, The Movie (guilty pleasure), I begin to think back about all the things I've accomplished this year. With only 4 months left to go - I realize there is so much more we need to do and see. 

How has 2013 been treating you thus far? As a wife (still so surreal to say), I can say that it's been pretty amazing. I've been married for almost 3 months. My son is going into 2nd grade and I've officially been working as a nurse for a year. I'd say that's a pretty decent way to spend the first 8 months. 

Plans for the next 4 months: 
-        Mason starts 2nd grade (time needs to stop NOW!)
-        Honeymoon to London & Paris for 15 days
-        Turkey Day
-        Chrismukkah
-        Ring in 2014 already?!?

Until next time….

Monday, July 29, 2013

Allow me to introduce myself.

So here we are. I've recently become an old married lady and it feels amazing. Actually it doesn't feel any different. Am I missing something? I'll post details regarding our wedding in another post (I need to beef up my newborn blog somehow). But for now I'll give you a brief rundown of who 'we' are. 

I'm a twenty something year old mother and a wife. Oh and I'm a nurse. :) 

I have an amazing young man, Mason who is soon to be 8 years old and starting 2nd grade. I'm going to need time to stop at any moment now. I'm not ready for him to be that old. Mason likes to dabble in a bit of everything from hockey to playing little league and shooting hoops. His schedule is pretty jam packed these days. 

My husband, Ben is one of the most amazing men I have every met. By day he's a hardware/software engineer and by night he's a fantastic 'stepdad' to Mason and the husband of my dreams. 

We also have a daughter, Bailey. She's our four-legged princess who rules our home and we wouldn't have it any other way.  

Until next time....